Bottoms Up 1934

Comedy Drama Musical

Promoter Smoothe King helps a pair of phonies con their way into a movie company. As Wanda heads toward stardom, she turns more and more from King toward the matinée idol. King must decide between his plans and her happiness.

Tutti i titoli
  • US: Bottoms Up Bottoms Up
  • AT: Alles Schwindel! Alles Schwindel!
  • BR: Loucuras de Hollywood Loucuras de Hollywood
  • DK: Hvem skal ha' et Kys af Katy? Hvem skal ha' et Kys af Katy?
  • FI: Maljat pohjaan Maljat pohjaan
  • FR: Tu seras star à Hollywood Tu seras star à Hollywood
  • GR: Oneira koritsion Oneira koritsion
  • HU: Három pajtás Három pajtás
  • IT: Alla conquista di Hollywood Alla conquista di Hollywood
  • PT: À Conquista de Hollywood À Conquista de Hollywood
  • ES: Hollywood conquistado Hollywood conquistado
  • SE: Botten opp! Botten opp!
Data di rilascio 13 Apr 1934
Link IMDb
